Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Engine Wye at Waterville

Waterville Local on the wye with the engine house on the right. The building still stands today. c. 1916. Waterville Museum photo

Monday, September 12, 2022

Grain Warehouses in Waterville

Looking east from Monroe St. at the grain warehouses along the railroad industry siding in Waterville. Today the large silos of Highline Grain occupy the space. c. 1915.  Waterville Museum Photo.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Inside the Waterville Depot

Inside the Waterville Depot 1916. Standing on the left is Frank J. Crane, Conductor on the line. Right is Charley Will, an old pioneer of this area. Waterville Museum photo. The clock in this photo still resides in the depot today which is now a home.

Park Dedication in Waterville

Washington State Governor Clarence D. Martin stands on loco #949 for the dedication of Pioneer Park in Waterville during the 1930's. Waterville Museum Photo.