Tuesday, March 20, 2018

From the Wenatchee World: October 23, 1988

From the Wenatchee World:  October 23, 1988

Douglas General Store Misc. Photos

Douglas General Store Misc. Photos

Late 1980's postcard

Late 1980's postcard with owner Judi Sparks standing by the front door.

Year 2000 grand opening flyer

Douglas General Store being reopened

New owner Judi Sparks and friends are shown here painting the Douglas Store in July 1984 in anticipation for the reopening.  For the last 16 years the store had been closed and only used as a living quarters for the previous owner Warner Friel.  Prior to Judi, Warner ran the store and post office from 1935 to 1968.

From the Seattle Times: September 10, 1961

Seattle Times Article profiling the little community of Douglas.  September 10, 1961.