Wednesday, May 30, 2012

GNRY Blueprints dated 1968

1968 Great Northern Railway Blueprints of the sidings at Palisades, Alstown, Douglas, Supplee, Withrow, Touhey and Mansfield.

1 of 3 of Palisades
Bridge #7 in this sheet 

2 of 3 of Palisades 

3 of 3 of Palisades

1 of 3 of Alstown
Bridge #37.5 in this sheet

2 of 3 of Alstown

3 of 3 of Alstown

1 of 5 of Douglas
Bridge #40 in this sheet

2 of 5 of Douglas

3 of 5 of Douglas

4 of 5 of Douglas
Picture of the siding tracks 

5 of 5 of Douglas

1 of 4 of Supplee

3 of 4 of Supplee

4 of 4 of Supplee

1 of 2 of Withrow

2 of 2 of Withrow

1 of 2 of Touhey

2 of 2 of Touhey
Bridge #42 in this sheet

2 of 6 of Mansfield

3 of 6 of Mansfield

4 of 6 of Mansfield
Engine wye

5 of 6 of Mansfield
Southern leg of the wye

6 of 6 of Mansfield

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Speeder Between Bridge #15 and #16

Area Map

Speeder parked in a rock cut between bridge #15 and #16 .  Bridge #15 is visible in the picture.  Looking on the down grade.  Picture taken March 8, 1986 by Ryan Reed.

Rock cut between bridge #15 and #16 looking on the up grade.  The rock cut on the right is the one Ryan was standing on when he took the picture of the speeder.  Nov. 2007 photo 21 years later.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Switching Action in Alstown

Locomotives switching with loaded boxcars at Alstown on the afternoon of October 28, 1983.  Another one from a post a while back.  Bridge #37.5 visible in both pictures.  Photos by John P. Henderson.   2009 photo of this area.  Here is a picture of the same train early in the morning of the same day on its way up the line.  And one more.

Friday, May 18, 2012

"Last Train" orders

Orders dated March 1, 1985 for "Last Train" to run the MB Line the next day.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bridge #25: A Difference of 26 years

March 8,1986 photo showing a speeder car at the north end of bridge #25 parked next to a little shack still wearing Great Northern paint.  The line had been abandoned almost exactly one year when this trip occurred.  Looking on the down grade.  Picture by Ryan Reed.  

May 2012 picture of the same location, except the above picture was taken on the other side of the rock cut.  Here is a April 2008 picture of the rock cut I was standing on when I took the above photo.  Looking on the down grade.  Here is a 2006 photo standing at the south end of bridge #25 looking on the up grade. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

MB Line Trip 5-11-12

Trip on the MB Line between bridge #33 (Kelly Davis Crossing) and bridge #17.  There are links below under each of the pictures to help you with bridge locations.  About a 5.5 mile trip one-way through this part of the line.  Here is a MAP  (the other half of the map) to help you with bridge locations as well.  Enjoy.

Looking on the down grade just a little east of bridge #20.  At Duffy Creek.

On the down grade between bridge #20 and #17

On the down grade between bridge #20 and #17

On the down grade between bridge #20 and #17

Looking on the up grade between bridge #20 and #17

On the down grade between bridge #20 and #17

Looking on the up grade between bridge #20 and #17

On the up grade between bridge #20 and #17.  Bridge #20 is just around the bend.

Abutment wall remain from bridge #24

Standing on a rock cut between bridge #25 and #26 looking on the down grade.

Between bridge #25 and #26 on the up grade.

Between bridge #26 and #27 looking on the down grade

Between bridge #26 and #27 looking on the up grade

Between bridge #26 and #27 looking on the up grade

Between bridge #26 and #27 looking on the up grade

Between bridge #26 and #27 looking on the down grade

Between bridge #27 and #29 on the up grade on a curve

Looking on the down grade between bridge #30 and #31.  On a curve.

Looking back on bridges #31 and #32.  Standing high on the county road at the Kelly Davis Crossing looking on the down grade.