Info compiled from Great Northern Railway Historical Society Archives
1912 Install standard mail crane one mile north of Appledale
1913 Place car body for depot
1936 Place riprap and straighten stream @ bridge #3 two miles north on main line ($145.00)
1938 Remove mail crane ($1.00)
1940 Remove 1785’ of side track ($320.00)
1911 Install 4975’ of right of way fence ¼ mile west of Palisades
1911 Install wooden mail crane
1926 Between Palisades and Alstown, furnish and place 20,000 S.H. Tie Plates, replacing
Glendon Tie Plates on curves. ($3,390.00)
1935 Replace 5,000 No.G-58 Tie Plates with S.H. 5-58 plates on curves between McCue and Alstown ($724.00)
1963 Relay main line track with S.H. 112# rail ($30,900.00)
1912 Install a private crossing ½ mile south of Alstown
1968 Renew bridge #37.5
1910 Construct 48’ x 48’ one-pen stockyard ($200.00)
1912 Construct public highway 1,090’ long ($360.00)
1915 Move water tank and 400 gallon gas tank to Bainville, Montana ($230.00)
1911 Place private crossing one mile southwest of Mansfield
1914 Place a portable incline unloading platform ($65.00)
Misc. AFE’s along line
1911 Install telephone in baggage car on Mansfield Branch Line ($23.00)
1928 Columbia River Siding to Mansfield, furnish and place 5,000 S.H. 5-58 Tie Plates on curves ($850.00)
1938 Columbia River Siding to Mansfield, place 6,309 S.H. Rail Anchors ($330.00)
Great Northern Railway AFE’s on the Waterville Railway Co.
1909 Construct additional ten miles of telegraph line on the Waterville Extension
1910 Change four public road crossings on the Waterville Line as ordered by the State Railroad commission ($703.00)
1910 Place riprap, pipe culverts and build bridge trestles ($4,815.00)
1912 Install 15’ mail compartment in baggage car #1012 ($356.00)